CINNAMON ICED INSTANT COFFEE #drink #coffee #cinnamon #chocolate #summer

The previous fourteen days have been EXTREMELY hot around here. That sort of hot that causes you to do strange things.

Things like chilling yourself off in the solidified area of a general store while imagining you are looking at the items. Things like sitting right close to a fan in an expectation that your internal heat level will quickly drop down. Utilizing cooler cooling cushions like you would utilize boiling water bottle in winter… Yes, I've done that all.

In any case, would you be able to accuse me? The warmth makes me excessively ineffective! I think that its difficult to remain centered. My entire body is depleted. After 1pm my eyes begin shutting. No big surprise Spaniards need their break in such warmth. Obviously break is beneficial for you.

Presently in light of the fact that I seldom rest during the day I search for different approaches to assist me with remaining rational this mid year. This year I depend on this cinnamon frosted moment espresso formula! It chills my body off + supports my vitality and readiness which is actually what I need.

CINNAMON ICED INSTANT COFFEE #drink #coffee #cinnamon #chocolate #summer

Also try our recipe : HOMEMADE CHAI GREEN TEA SPICED LATTE #drink #cocktail #homemade #recipes #lemonade

Ingredients :

  • 3 tsp Instant Coffee
  • 3 tsp Brown Sugar
  • 1/8 tsp Cinnamon
  • 4 tbsp Milk
  • 1 cup Chilled Water (250ml)
  • 6 Ice Cubes , small + some extra for glasses

Instructions :

  1. In a jar/jug blend coffee, water, ice, cinnamon and sugar until foam forms.
  2. Pour milk in a clear glass & add 1 or 2 ice cubes. Take a tablespoon, and hold it inside the glass (touching its wall). Slowly pour the coffee in and let sit for about a minute so the layers have time to form. Add more foam if you have some left.
  3. Sprinkle some more cinnamon sugar over and serve.
  4. Enjoy!
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